Automatedrichecom - Online Internet Marketing Membership
Released on: April 18, 2008, 12:08 pm
Press Release Author: destinjolan5
Industry: Internet & Online
Press Release Summary: Cost Per Action or CPA is online advertising payment method.In it payment is based solely on performing actions like registering, making sales,submitting forms which are linked to the advertisers site.This method is also called as pay per actions.This does not pay for just clicking on links which is referred pay per click or ppc programs.The CPA can be determined by different factors, depending where the online advertising inventory is being purchased
Press Release Body: This is the best form of advertising for the advertisers as it pays only if the task or action is performed.The action to be performed is desired by the advertisers and they have the exclusive right to decide whether to pay or not as per the action is performed. CPA is also referred to as Cost per Acquisition as most of the CPA programs has for the customers is to acquire something which are mainly in terms of say new clients and products.
Many companies like Google,Ebay et cetra et cetra started their CPA programs.Google opened it to the users of Adwords in 2006.Email marketers of today do support CPA as they have to pay only for the registered clients and sales.That is,they do not have to face the umereous fake clients who only click on ads and never return back.This is increasingly beneficial for the marketers.
For eg,Consider a sales company like is paying for CPA. Their marketing director sends mails to 20000 email users out of them 10000 users click on the ad and of that 5000 users register to be their client.So here doesnt need to pay all 10000 users who clicked but only those 5000 users who became their client.
The problem with the cost per action model is that a publisher does not get paid even though it is contributing value to a particular brand. Although a person may not take action on a particular click, brand awareness is being created. This in itself is value to a company.